Sunday, February 16, 2020

Health Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Health Report - Essay Example I had an opportunity to interview one of the directors. He narrated their foremost great achievement of implementing the healthy, hunger-free kids Act. The Act remains imperative in improving and reauthorizing child nutrition programs. They were to get rid of unhealthy food and beverage in school, and other social amenities. This legislation provides more than 31 million American children who need greater access to healthy amenities. Despite some challenges, about 90% of schools have reported to meet the set food and beverages standards. NANA has improved nutrition and physical resources at CDC. Funding amplified between $2 in 1998 to $45 million in 2010. This has helped improve their services to the targeted population in the USA. NANA has made great achievements and improved the lives of many, thereby reducing deaths and health related diseases amongst children. I would recommend the government to be part of the greater contribution to create room for better services. The merging organization have helped in ensuring that the preferred healthy living is met in local areas and gives back report to NANA for better servicing. Science-based nutrition guidelines for school foods have also reinforced parents’ efforts to help their children eat healthy, making NANA’s work much easier at times. Story, M., Nanney, M. S., & Schwartz, M. B. (2009). Schools and obesity prevention: creating school environments and policies to promote healthy eating and physical activity. Milbank Quarterly. 87(1): 71–100. doi:

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Groundwater pumping Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Groundwater pumping - Essay Example The signing of three bills regulating groundwater pumping in California will promote the management of groundwater since they adopt a fee-based structure and impose groundwater-pumping restrictions (Nijhuis, 2014). The fee-based approach defines pumping fees and restricts pumping. We can manage groundwater pumping for future uses by adopting fee-based measures that entail levying fees for groundwater pumping. The approach will enhance efficiency in consumption by mandating water users to pay for water on a full-cost recovery basis. Moreover, we can use tiered charges and water markets to enhance flexible and efficient consumption among large water users. Apparently, the fee-based measure will promote efficient water use in most areas facing excessive groundwater depletion thus enhancing sustainable groundwater pumping (Nelson, 2012). Additionally, an increase in irrigation costs and prices in areas relying on groundwater pumping enhances sustainability and resiliency. Indeed, this will motivate farmers to adopt water management mechanisms (Wichelns, 2010). As such, this fee-based measure will promote management and improvement of groundwater pumping in the agricultural sector thus conserving groundwater for future use. Water agencies can also relate water prices to the changes in groundwater levels, which will allow them to charge higher water prices during drought thus promoting efficient use (Wichelns, 2010). Water agencies can sue the fee-based measure to charge high water prices to new investments relying on groundwater, which would discourage increased dependence on groundwater pumping. These measures can help in managing groundwater pumping for the future, for purposes of sustainability and resiliency. Blanco, H. (2012). Water Supply Scarcity in Southern California: Assessing Water District Level Strategies. Retrieved from Nijhuis, M. (2014). Amid