Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Feminist Analysis A Doll s House - 1001 Words

Feminism in literature began to develop in the early 1960’s. For a while Western culture assumed that women were inferior creatures. With a widespread acknowledgment of the female being inferior, women began to accept their lesser status. Female critics â€Å"look at the depiction of women in male texts in an effort to reveal the misogyny (negative attitudes towards women) lurking there† (Dobie 106). This means critics look at mistreated women in texts. Such as blanks, unfinished sentences, and even silences. Henrick Ibsen’s, A Doll’s House, captures the unfavorable gender-role of oppressed women who are treated as mere â€Å"dolls† played by men. Nora Helmer, the main character, strives to be the perfect wife that is set forth by the society she lives in. She is trapped in the â€Å"dollhouse† which is her actual home. Torvald, her husband, has made a wonderful life for his doll wife and their children. Nora does love Torvald, but it is only because that is what she is expected to do. Nora obeys her husbands by saying, â€Å"Yes, whatever you say, Torvald â€Å"(Ibsen 209), when he asks her to do something. She does not realize her love for Torvald was forced upon her by what society expects of her. Her friends and family treat her as if she is a sheltered animal with no idea what is going on in the outside world. Nora eventually discovers her role as a house wife was forced upon her and is desperate to get out at any cost. Once Nora begins to think her escape will create a better life, there isShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Doll s House As A Feminist Play985 Words   |  4 PagesDoll’s House as a feminist Play Is A Doll s House a feminist play? Ibsen disputes the notion that his play is female-centered claiming that it was more of liberation, which is presented, in a more general, human sense. However, it takes reading the book to decide whether his assertions are true reflection of this. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The City Life and the Country Life Free Essays

Living area has always been a hotly discussed topic. Each person has their own preferences for staying in either a city, or the countryside. The typical differences between the city life and the country life will be soundly presented in this piece of paper. We will write a custom essay sample on The City Life and the Country Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now A city life differs from a country life in term of food and intellectual stimulation. To begin with, living in the city offers you various kinds of food. Cities are supposed to be the biggest food markets, therefore chefs do not have to travel far to get the oversea ingredients. Moreover, the city is certain to provide more facilities needed for intellectual stimulation than the countryside. Some of the major ones include modern technologies in universities, the diversity of books and magazines in libraries and bookstores, the enormous number of artworks in galleries and museums†¦ On the other hand, the country life contrasts with the city life regarding food and intellectual stimulation. Citizens in the countryside areas might not have a long list of foods, but they can guarantee that what they have been eating is totally safe because it is self-produced. More interestingly, many people consider the countryside an ideal place for educating a cultured person. Since it does not have as many amenities as the city, life in the country brings up more contemplative peace and quietness. One would have more time interact with himself, without being distracted by the outside elements as in a city. In brief, there are remarkable differences in food and intellectual stimulation between a city life and a country life. I highly recommend that you should consider my essay to make an appropriate decision on which area is the most suitable for yourself. How to cite The City Life and the Country Life, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Bullying and harassment in the workplace - my assignment help

Question: What is the reason Bullying and harassment in the workplace? Answer: Introduction Bullying and harassment in the workplace Bullying and harassment are the most common unwanted behaviors in the workplace that causes the victim to feel degraded, offended or intimidated (Einarsen et al., p. 11). Bullying is reported to be perpetrated by either management to subordinate employees or an employee to fellow co-worker. However, most workplace harassment are conducted both in private and public organizations without employers awareness. This behavior occurs through various means including face-to-face communication, through phone, email or physically and in most cases the harassment is between two individuals, however in some cases it may involve groups of people (Zapf et al., p. 82). Salin and Hoel (p. 229) reported that most of insidious and isolated cases of workplace harassment and bullying goes either unpunished or unreported in organizations and the trend is worrying especially in the those having workforce diversity. Most harassments are directed to either minority groups or the female employees (Hogh, Mik kelsen and Hansen, p. 121). The common forms of bullying and harassment include spreading malicious rumors, exclusion, unfair treatment, constant criticism of competent employee, insulting someone and victimization. The Australian constitution prohibits any form of harassment whether in workplace or home that is related to age, race, sex, disability, religion, gender, nationality or sexual orientation (Forell, p. 13). It is therefore illegal to perpetrate harassment and bullying and one is liable to legal action that may lead to fine penalty or imprisonment. The rising cases of harassment in the workplace is attributed to fear of losing a job especially if perpetrator is a manager or senior staff in organization and thus employee may opt to remain silent or resign (Lippel, p. 13). It is therefore recommended that all staff and including employer and employee be empowered about options of dealing with potential bullying and harassment in order to reduce the menace (Smit and Du Plessis, p. 174). The employer should develop policies that protect employees against any form of harassment since such behavior is associated with poor morale, lack of respect for supervisors, absenteeism, high employee turnover, court cases and associated penalties, poor employee relations and poor performance of the victims (Einarsen, Hoel, Zapf and Cooper, p. 22). These negative effects lower competitiveness of an organization in the current market structure characterized by rapidly changing customers expectations due to globalization. ACACAS reported that about 7% of employees had experienced at least one grievance event in 2004 that is related to bullying and harassment (ACACAS, 2017). It is important to note that many countries have laws adopted that guarantees everyone right not to be harassed or bullied at work. Furthermore, there are many state and nongovernmental organizations that are sensitizing the public against harassment and helping the victims. This is because bullying and harassment poses great risk to health and safety of an individual particularly when threatened, teased or exposed to unreasonable work demands. The Australian Fair Work Commission is playing critical role in ensuring adherence to anti-bullying laws in organizations to protect students in internships or industrial attachments, outworkers, contractors and volunteers (Pocock et al., p. 478). The Fair Work Act of 2009 recognizes the need of employee to lounge complain of bullying to either human resource department, a manager or the trade union representative to take appropriate instructions. Legal actions in Australia can be instituted work related complaints at an employment tribunal. Case study: Walmart Walmart is an online based business that offers customers one-stop shopping. The company sells range of products ranging from grocery, clothing, electronics, entertainment to sporting goods. The company focuses on prices and have developed everyday low price strategy that offers customers unbeatable prices. The business organization has embraced technology to improve shopping experience for its customers, one can shop online at Walmart.com, shopping in a store or through mobile apps. The company not only cares for customers but also employees, the staff are given opportunity to build their career by engaging in jobs with more responsibilities while earning higher pay. Walmart distribution operation is the cornerstone for the business with more than 100 distribution centers. The organization distribute goods directly to the customer within the US using its fleet of trucks (Walmart, 2017). This organization has thousands of employees who work collaboratively to achieve companys objecti ves. Walmart has been struggling to promote fair labor practices by creating favorable working condition for its workers. The organization offers health insurance to more than half of its employees. However, there has been public concerns that Walmart should provide affordable healthcare for all of its employees. There has been reports of unfair labor practice in Walmart, a sad record of worker abuse was evident when forced overtime and child labor was reported in the organization. Child labor is against international business practices as it is regarded as child abuse. Law suit has also been filed against Walmart for discriminating against women, over a million female employees claimed that they were being paid and promoted at significantly lower rates than their male co-workers. The America is fighting to eliminate employee abuse and discriminations in order to uphold workers rights (Schein, p. 11). Walmart is further exhibiting predatory approach whereby it opens supercenter that lead to closure of small businesses and supermarkets thus negatively affecting young American entrepreneurs and local businesses. By avoiding to pay health insurance to more than half of its employees and continuing to pay lower wages, Walmart is demonstrating violation of employees rights and is violating international best practices. The Walmart store incorporation may face risk of negative publicity due to its questionable practices particularly increased cases of bullying and harassment in the workplace. It is reported that workers in Bentonville and Arkansas gathered at a media conference to voice their concerns against Walmarts low wages and hostility to labor unions (Chen, 2016). Many employees report cases of harassments perpetrated by top management forcing them to work for long hours. This is causing negative publicity to the organization due to bad comments about organization by striking labors. The stakeholders and consumers may feel that Walmart has corporate creed and does not care about its employees and may divert their attention to other firms for investment and purchases. This may in turn reduce the sales affecting financial ability of the organization. One case of workplace harassment was reported in one of the Walmarts branches in Canada where a woman employee named Boucher was bullied by another employee called Pinnock. The court found out that Walmart was aware of Pinnocks rough behavior against Boucher yet it did not take any action and so the court penalized Walmart to offer finances to Boucher for unfair dismissal and damages suffered (Rishi, 2014). Objectives of the plan This social plans aim at helping Walmart to: Enlightening all employees of Walmart concerning guidelines and legislation governing harassment and bullying. Adopt organization policies that define workplace bullying and harassment. Stop bullying in an organization Proposed actions Enlightening employees The first objective of enlightening staff concerning various laws will be achieved through training in regards to workplace bullying. Various laws will be taught during the conference both local and international that guides acts of bullying and discrimination in the workplace. Some of materials for teaching will be sourced form Australian Human Right Commission since it is tasked with promoting good business practices and fairness among employees and employers. The Australian Human Right Commission (AHRC) mentions that it is the responsibility of employer to ensure that all applicant of a given job in an organization must be treated fairly (Syed, p. 26). This is because the federal and state law prohibits any form of discrimination during hiring, promotion or firing. The Fair Work Act (2009) describes all forms of behaviors that are against the Australian laws of fair work practices. The Australian Human Rights Commission Act of 1986 protect people from any form of discrimination based on political opinion, nationality, medical records, trade union activity, religion, social origin and criminal record (AHRC, 2017). Furthermore, federal discrimination laws protect people from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, inter sex status, age, sex, marital status, race, nationality, immigration status, gender identity, disability, pregnancy, breastfeeding, color or ethnic origin (Ronalds and Raper, p.21). The law attribute the following behaviors as from of harassment that is insulting jokes about particular race, suggestive emails and text messages constitute sexual harassment, asking intrusive questions about personal life particularly sex life, displaying offensive poster or screen savers that could be pornographic or making derogatory comments about someones disability. All these acts are illegal according to Australian laws (Ronalds, C. and Raper, p. 439). The sex discrimination act of 1984 define sexual harassment as unwelcomed sexual conduct that offend or humiliate a person and the Act prohibits harassment in work place from organizational stakeholders including employees, partners, contract workers, co-workers and commission agents (Newburn, p. 49). The Disability Discrimination Act (1992) and the Racial Discrimination Act (1975) prohibits offensive behavior based on persons disability and racial hatred respectively. The Fair Work Act (2013) defines workplace bullying that pose risk to health and safety of an employee. The physical and verbal abuse including yelling and offensive language, deliberate changing work roster to inconvenience staff and psychological harassment are prohibited under the Act. Organizational policies Brainstorming with employees and legal experts on various practices and behaviors that constitute bullying and harassment. It is important for the organization to give a clear definition of what constitutes bullying and raise an alarm that everyone in the organization can be a target of bullying. There are several misconceptions underlying the issue and some employees may assume that bullying is only directed towards employee by a supervisor. However, this is not always the case, Sanders, Pattison and Bible (p. 1) reported that majority of harassment occurs on a lateral level in an organization where employees bully their coworkers. The organization need to develop formal policy that allows all staff to lounge complaints against any form of harassment from their managers, Co-workers, supervisor or senior employee of the organization. The written policy I developed through consultation of management and all company employees and after incorporation of wide views of staffs, the policy can then be approved and implemented. The policy is then communicated to all organizational staff through various channels including meeting, newsletters or publishing on company website. Creation of formal policy is known to enlighten employees on various available options for dealing with bullying and harassment as reported by Yagil (p. 146). The major component of bullying is the statement that the bullying and harassment cannot be tolerated and that the organizations management is committed to promoting fairness to everyone within the firm including managers, employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. All unacceptable behaviors are listed in the policy and include a clear statement that violation of the policy will lead to disciplinary actions. The policy will benefit organization a lot as it seeks to protect dignity of all Walmarts employees. The policy ensures that business operations are in consistent with the principle of fairness, respect and justice. The policy further serves to provide information, support and advice members of the Walmart to protect the dignity of its employees Stopping bullying and harassment There are several actions proposed for the managers, supervisors or employees to stop bullying and harassment with in Walmart organization. The first step is to initiate effective communication channels for reporting bullying and any other form of incivility. This involve setting up of toll-free hotline that allows staff report any inappropriate cases or behaviors that constitute bullying and harassment. The second action is to set up a disciplinary committee within the organization that investigates unwanted behaviors and guarantee fair judgement of complaints. To ensure transparency in the process, a standard investigation process must be set up and should outline various disciplinary action for those found guilty of bullying. The third and most important tool, of lowering bullying and harassment is through implementation of training programs. The employees need to be equipped with skills to identify, prevent and respond appropriately to any acts of incivility. The employees are fu rther informed of consequences of not adhering to national and international employment policies. The organization need to promote safe, health, and fair work environment that recognizes rights of every individual. This is achieved by providing clear guidance on implementation of created policy. The management must actively deal with any reported cases provided that complaint had been lounged necessitating investigation to determine next course of actions. furthermore, training to managers and employees with regard to policy and dealing with harassment and bullying helps in minimizing such cases. This is achieved by constant training that focuses on the knowledge, skills and awareness of bullying and harassment in the workplace. Other action to minimize bullying and harassment is by building workplace culture that promotes respect and dignity for everyone irrespective of social or economic status. It is reported that appropriate corporate culture is best in minimizing company problems (Kotter, p. 22). The organization culture must take complaints seriously, responding promptly and conducting investigation objectively and exploring different solution for the issue. Importantly, resources should be allocated for counselling and mediation services to the victims. Anticipated outcomes Employees are expected to adhere fully to organizational policies and laws regarding bullying and harassment. Best organizational practices that constitute corporate culture free of harassment and discrimination Minimal cases of any form of bullying especially those directed towards women Timeline and resources required Enlightening employees will take a period of two months between June and August, 2017. This will be carried out through conference that will be conducted within the organization. Legal experts will be sourced from outside the company and be provided with relevant materials including projector, pens and writing materials. The organizational conference room will be utilized to minimize expenses. The development of organizational policies will take a bit longer that is a period of four moths between August and November, 2017. During this time, constant meetings will be conducted to get views from various company stakeholders including proprietors, employees, management and representative from govern agencies. Financial resources are critical for hiring experts to offer consultation in developing appropriate company policy. Materials having laws governing employment will be useful in this process thus Australian constitution and other several acts will be utilized for references. Writing materials, pens, projector and laptop will be used during presentations. The last course of action is seeming to be continuous starting from June after establishment of disciplinary committee. Constant communication will be critical for establishment of corporate culture that respect dignity of individuals. Human capital is the main resource required for this process. Risks There is various risk associated with action plans for the organization. The employees may not be able to grasp all information regarding laws governing workplace practices. The time allocated is short, however, to maximize successful implementation of this project, then information will be published and made available for employees. Adoption of organization culture may not encompass views of all employees. Furthermore, the policy adopted might suffer effective implementation if there is no support from the top management particularly if the perpetrator of the vice is the senior employee or the manager. They might want to protect self-interest to prevent legal action, disciplinary action or worse losing their jobs. The ineffective communication channels and lack of privacy or job security may deter employee from reporting cases harassment or bullying. Fearing repercussions prompt them to remain silent thus suffering emotional stress. Evaluation method The most appropriate evaluation method will be through conducting a survey to measure effectives of the implementation of proposed actions and the realized outcomes. The questionnaire is designed to assess the problems related to bullying and harassment such as increased grievances, sickness absence and poor working relationships and increased conflicts among the colleagues. This allows management to conduct risk assessment and initiate steps to control risks and protect employees against bullying and harassment. The questionnaire is designed to incorporate relevant information related to bullying and harassment and is administered to study participants comprising of management and employees every after 3 months. The questionnaires to individual staffs will be appropriate for identifying risks of bullying and harassment and provides more accurate information that helps organization to tackle the underlying issue. Conclusion There are huge impacts of bullying harassment to the victims and organization, the victim of harassment and bullying suffers from stress and loss of self-esteem that absenteeism and resignation from work. The organization suffers from high cost of recruiting and retaining and in most case the job performance for workforce is reduced resulting in poor productivity and competitiveness of the business. A successful case against employer related to discrimination, harassment and bullying in workplace result in tainted image and financial losses due to reimbursement of the victim. It is therefore important to educate everyone in the organization to be aware of all laws and regulation and even internal policies related to bullying and harassment to reduce occurrences. This will in turn lead to motivation of workforce enhancing creativity and innovation that benefits organization a lot by increasing competitive advantage. References ACACAS., 2017, Bullying and harassment. Retrieved on May 15, 2017 from https://www.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=1864. AHRC, 2017., Workplace discrimination, harassment and bullying. Retrieved on May 16, 2017 from https://www.humanrights.gov.au/employers/good-practice-good-business-factsheets/workplace-discrimination-harassment-and-bullying. Caponecchia, C. and Wyatt, A., 2009. Distinguishing between workplace bullying, harassment and violence: a risk management approach. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Australia and New Zealand, 25(6), p.439. Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., Zapf, D. and Cooper, C.L., 2011. The concept of bullying and harassment at work: The European tradition. Bullying and harassment in the workplace: Developments in theory, research, and practice, 2, pp.3-40. Forell, C.A., 2010. The meaning of equality: sexual harassment, stalking, and provocation in Canada, Australia, and the United States. Hogh, A., Mikkelsen, E.G. and Hansen, A.M., 2011. Individual consequences of workplace bullying/mobbing. Bullying and harassment in the workplace: Developments in theory, research, and practice, pp.107-128. Kotter, J.P., 2008. Corporate culture and performance. Simon and Schuster. Lippel, K., 2011. The law of workplace bullying: An international overview. Newburn, T. ed., 2012. Handbook of policing. Routledge. Pocock, B., Elton, J., Preston, A., Charlesworth, S., MacDonald, F., Baird, M., Cooper, R. and Ellem, B., 2008. The Impact ofWork Choices' on Women in Low Paid Eployment in Australia: A Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(3), pp.475-488. Rishi., 2014, Court of Appeal Confirms Significant Damages for Workplace Bullying and Harassment. Retrieved on May 15, 2017 from Bandhulaw: https://bandhulaw.com/court-of-appeal-confirms-significant-damages-for-workplace-bullying-and-harassment/. Ronalds, C. and Raper, E., 2012. Discrimination law and practice. Federation Press. Salin, D. and Hoel, H., 2011. Organisational causes of workplace bullying. Bullying and harassment in the workplace: Developments in theory, research, and practice, 2, pp.227-243. Sanders, D.F., Pattison, P. and Bible, J.D., 2012. Legislating" nice": Analysis and assessment of proposed workplace bullying prohibitions.Southern Law Journal,22(1), p.1. Schein, V.E., 2007. Women in management: reflections and projections. Women in management review, 22(1), pp.6-18. Smit, D. and Du Plessis, V., 2011. Sexual harassment in the education sector. PER: Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad, 14(6), pp.172-217. Syed, J., 2008. Employment prospects for skilled migrants: A relational perspective. Human Resource Management Review, 18(1), pp.28-45. Wamart. (2017). Our business. Retrieded on May 15, 2017 from https://corporate.walmart.com/our-story/our-business. Yagil, D., 2008. When the customer is wrong: A review of research on aggression and sexual harassment in service encounters. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 13(2), pp.141-152. Zapf, D., Escartn, J., Einarsen, S., Hoel, H. and Vartia, M., 2011. Empirical findings on prevalence and risk groups of bullying in the workplace. Bullying and harassment in the workplace: Developments in theory, research, and practice, 2, pp.75-106.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

THE SCAFFOLDING OF SIN Essays - English-language Films,

THE SCAFFOLDING OF SIN For thousands of years, humans have confronted their sinfulness. Some trust in their religious faith to help with their struggles, some sin more to hide the truth. But in the end, man must stand alone ? as a sinful creature before God. In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, Dimmesdale has a difficult time finding a place to relieve his sin. The Scarlet Letter's scaffold is a place for the protagonist to find peace with himself. That scaffold holds more importance than just somewhere to condemn prisoners. It is the one place where Dimmesdale felt liberated to say anything he wishes. In Puritan culture, the scaffold is used to humiliate and chastise prisoners, be it witches at the stake, thieves in the stocks, or a murderer hanging from the gallows. In The Scarlet Letter, the scaffold was viewed more as a place of judgement. ?Meagre ... was the sympathy that a transgressor might look for, from such bystanders, at the scaffold.? (p. 63) Indeed, it was used for castigation, but it was also a place of trial: Hester's trial was held at the scaffold. Standing upon the platform opens oneself to God and to the world. ?They stood in the noon of that strange and solemn splendor, as if it were the light that is to reveal all secrets, and the daybreak that shall unite all who belong to one another.? (p. 186) Being on the scaffold puts oneself in a feeling of spiritual nakedness- where you feel exposed to God, but cleans ed. It was the one place where Dimmesdale could find complete reconciliation. Witnessing such an event as reconciliation is quite a fascinating experience. But without knowing what is going on, it can also be quite horrifying. ?Without any effort of his will, or power to restrain himself, he [Dimmesdale] shrieked aloud: an outcry that went pealing through the night, and was beaten back from one house to another, and reverberated from the hills in the background; as if a company of devils, detecting so much misery and terror in it, had made a plaything of the sound, and were bandying it to and fro.? (pp. 178-9) Indeed, the townsfolk felt the latter. ?Drowsy slumberers mistook the cry either for something frightful in a dream, or for the noise of witches.?(p. 179) They did not understand that this was his reconciliation. Both Governor Bellingham and Mistress Hibbens had awoken to the frightful sound and looked from their house in investigation. When they perceived it was the Reverend in another of his midnight vigils rather than a cry for help, they stumbled rig ht back to their sleeping chambers. Along with this inquisitive attention from onlookers, came the looks of disdain, from Chillingworth and others. ?Smiling on her [Hester]; a smile which -- across the wide and bustling square, and through all the talk and laughter, and various thoughts, moods, and interests of the crowd -- conveyed secret and fearful meaning.? (p. 284) Chillingworth might of had other plans, but after hearing what Dimmesdale had to say, Chillingworth thrust himself to his knees and admit defeat. Although he was a sick man, Dimmesdale's struggle was not for life, but for repentance. In fact, his mental anguish of sin is what had caused his illness. Dimmesdale would spend some nights scourging himself, just himself and a whip-like punishment device. He felt it critical to admit his sin to himself and to his community and brethren ?... The Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale turned to the dignified and venerable rulers; to the holy ministers, ... as knowing that some deep life-matter -- which, if full of sin, ... was now to be laid open to them.? (pp. 306) This act of declaring his sin is one step closer to salvation. The scaffold provides a perfect venue to stand before God with everything before oneself. Dimmesdale stood before God and his community and chose to ?sink upon the scaffold. Hester partly raised him, and supported his head against her bosom. Old Roger Chillingworth knelt down beside him, with a blank, dull countenance, out of which the life seemed to have departed." (p. 308) On the scaffold, Dimmesdale openly brought his sin to light and felt restored.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Aztlan, The Mythical Homeland of the Aztec-Mexica

Aztlan, The Mythical Homeland of the Aztec-Mexica Aztln (also spelled Aztlan or sometimes Aztalan) is the name of the mythical homeland of the Aztecs, the ancient Mesoamerican civilization also known as the Mexica. According to their origin myth, the Mexica left Aztlan at the behest of their god/ruler Huitzilopochtli, to find a new home in the Valley of Mexico. In the Nahua language, Aztlan means â€Å"the Place of Whiteness† or â€Å"the Place of the Heron.† Whether it was a real place or not is open to question. What Aztlan Was Like According to the various Mexica versions of the stories, their homeland Aztlan was a luxurious and delightful place located on a large lake, where everyone was immortal and lived happily among abundant resources. There was a steep hill called Colhuacan in the middle of the lake, and in the hill were caves and caverns known collectively as Chicomoztoc, where the ancestors of the Aztec lived. The land was filled with vast quantities of ducks, herons, and other waterfowl; red and yellow birds sang incessantly; great and beautiful fish swam in the waters and shade trees lined the banks. At Aztlan, the people fished from canoes and tended their floating gardens of maize, peppers, beans, amaranth, and tomatoes. But when they left their homeland, everything turned against them, the weeds bit them, the rocks wounded them, the fields were filled with thistles and spines. They wandered in a land filled with vipers, poisonous lizards, and dangerous wild animals before reaching their home to build their place of destiny, Tenochtitlan. Who Were the Chichimecas? In Aztln, the myth goes, the Mexica ancestors dwelled in place with seven caves called Chicomoztoc (Chee-co-moz-toch). Each cave corresponded to one of the Nahuatl tribes which would later leave that place to reach, in successive waves, the Basin of Mexico. These tribes, listed with slight differences from source to source, were the Xochimilca, Chalca, Tepaneca, Colhua, Tlahuica, Tlaxcala and the group who were to become the Mexica. Oral and written accounts also mention that the Mexica and the other Nahuatl groups were preceded in their migration by another group, collectively known as Chichimecas, who migrated from the north to Central Mexico sometime earlier and were considered by the Nahua people less civilized. The Chichimeca do not apparently refer to a particular ethnic group, but rather were hunters or northern farmers in contrast to the Tolteca, the city dwellers, the urban agricultural populations already in the Basin of Mexico. The Migration Stories of the battles and interventions of the gods along the journey abound. Like all origin myths, the earliest events blend natural and supernatural events, but the stories of the migrants arrival at the Basin of Mexico are less mystical. Several versions of the migration myth include the story of the moon goddess Coyolxauhqui and her 400 Star Brothers, who attempted to kill Huitzilopochtli (the sun) at the sacred mountain of Coatepec. Many archaeologists and historical linguists support the theory of an occurrence of multiple in-migrations to the basin of Mexico from northern Mexico and/or the southeastern United States between 1100 and 1300 CE. Evidence for this theory includes the introduction of new ceramic types in central Mexico  and the fact that the Nahuatl language, the language spoken by the Aztec/Mexica, is not indigenous to Central Mexico. Moctezumas Search Aztlan was a source of fascination for the Aztecs themselves. The Spanish chroniclers and codexes report that the Mexica king Moctezuma Ilhuicamina (or Montezuma I, ruled 1440–1469) sent an expedition to search for the mythical homeland. Sixty elderly sorcerers and magicians were assembled by Moctezuma for the trip, and given gold, precious stones, mantles, feathers, cacao, vanilla and cotton from the royal storehouses to be used as gifts to the ancestors. The sorcerers left Tenochtitlan and within ten days arrived at Coatepec, where they transformed themselves into birds and animals to take the final leg of the journey to Aztlan, where they re-assumed their human form. At Aztlan, the sorcerers found a hill in the middle of a lake, where the inhabitants spoke Nahuatl. The sorcerers were taken to the hill where they met an old man who was the priest and guardian of the goddess Coatlicue. The old man took them to the sanctuary of Coatlicue, where they met an ancient woman who said she was the mother of Huitzilopochtli and had suffered greatly since he left. He had promised to return, she said, but he never had. People in Aztlan could choose their age, said Coatlicue: they were immortal. The reason the people in Tenochtitlan were not immortal was that they consumed cacao and other luxury items. The old man refused the gold and precious goods brought by the returnees, saying these things have ruined you, and gave the sorcerers waterfowl and plants native to Aztlan and maguey fiber cloaks and breechcloths to take back with them. The sorcerers transformed themselves back into animals and returned to Tenochtitlan. What Evidence Supports the Reality of Aztlan and the Migration? Modern scholars have long debated whether Aztln was a real place or simply a myth. Several of the remaining books left by the Aztecs, called codexes, tell the story of the migration from Aztlan- in particular, the codex Boturini o Tira de la Peregrinacion. The tale was also reported as oral history told by Aztecs to several Spanish chroniclers including Bernal Diaz del Castillo, Diego Duran, and Bernardino de Sahagun. The Mexica told the Spanish that their ancestors had reached the Valley of Mexico about 300 years before, after having left their homeland, traditionally located far north of Tenochtitlan. Historical and archaeological evidence shows that the migration myth of the Aztecs has a solid basis in reality. In a comprehensive study of the available histories, archaeologist Michael E. Smith found that these sources cite the movement of not just the Mexica, but several different ethnic groups. Smiths 1984 investigations concluded that people arrived in the Basin of Mexico from the north in four waves. The earliest wave (1) was non-Nahuatl Chichimecs sometime after the fall of Tollan in 1175; followed by three Nahuatl-speaking groups who settled (2) in the Basin of Mexico about 1195, (3) in the surrounding highland valleys about 1220, and (4) the Mexica, who settled among the earlier Aztlan populations about 1248. No possible candidate for Aztlan has yet been identified.   Modern Aztlan In modern Chicano culture, Aztln represents an important symbol of spiritual and national unity, and the term has also been used to mean the territories ceded to the United States by Mexico with the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo in 1848, New Mexico and Arizona. There is an archaeological site in Wisconsin called Aztalan, but it is not the Aztec homeland.   Sources Edited and updated by K. Kris Hirst Berdan, Frances F. Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Print.Elzey, Wayne. A Hill on a Land Surrounded by Water: An Aztec Story of Origin and Destiny. History of Religions 31.2 (1991): 105-49. Print.Mundy, Barbara E. Place-Names in Mexico-Tenochtitlan. Ethnohistory 61.2 (2014): 329-55. Print.Navarrete, Federico. The Path from Aztlan to Mexico: On Visual Narration in Mesoamerican Codices. RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics.37 (2000): 31-48. Print.Smith, Michael E. The Aztecs. 3rd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. Print.-. The Aztlan Migrations of the Nahuatl Chronicles: Myth or History? Ethnohistory 31.3 (1984): 153-86. Print.Spitler, Susan. Mythic Homelands: Aztlan and Aztlan. Human Mosaic 31.2 (1997): 34-45. Print.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Annie Dillard The Chase

In the first paragraph of â€Å"The Chase†, the narrator of the story a seven year old girl is informing the audience about the game of football. She says â€Å"It was all or nothing† (Dillard 121). Basically stating that in football you have got to give all of your effort and not hesitate at all if you want to make the tackle and stop the offense. This do or die attitude is reflected later in the story during the chase scene. It is also the climax of the story. Being that a bunch of kids are together unsupervised, there is going to be some trouble. That is exactly what happens next. The children are all gathered during a winter snowy day making snowballs next to a street throwing them at passing cars. Its wide black door opened; a man got out of it running. He didn’t even close the car door. † This kind of unexpected thrill we can all relate to. Dillard adds even more by putting in the little details that make the reader feel the anger of this man and the feeling of we’re caught by the children that we have all felt as a kid is described in that same quote. By using these details in the story the re ader can put themselves into the shoes of the characters. Dillard uses lots of active descriptions that are very real throughout the chase scene. She uses actual street names like Edgerton Avenue, Lloyd Street, Willard and Lang. This use of actual real names of streets makes the story. The reader can almost get lost in the chase itself with Dillard’s use of rapid transitions like up, around, under, through, down some, across, smashed. After the chase is over and the children are caught the reader feels tired Annie Dillard The Chase In the first paragraph of â€Å"The Chase†, the narrator of the story a seven year old girl is informing the audience about the game of football. She says â€Å"It was all or nothing† (Dillard 121). Basically stating that in football you have got to give all of your effort and not hesitate at all if you want to make the tackle and stop the offense. This do or die attitude is reflected later in the story during the chase scene. It is also the climax of the story. Being that a bunch of kids are together unsupervised, there is going to be some trouble. That is exactly what happens next. The children are all gathered during a winter snowy day making snowballs next to a street throwing them at passing cars. Its wide black door opened; a man got out of it running. He didn’t even close the car door. † This kind of unexpected thrill we can all relate to. Dillard adds even more by putting in the little details that make the reader feel the anger of this man and the feeling of we’re caught by the children that we have all felt as a kid is described in that same quote. By using these details in the story the re ader can put themselves into the shoes of the characters. Dillard uses lots of active descriptions that are very real throughout the chase scene. She uses actual street names like Edgerton Avenue, Lloyd Street, Willard and Lang. This use of actual real names of streets makes the story. The reader can almost get lost in the chase itself with Dillard’s use of rapid transitions like up, around, under, through, down some, across, smashed. After the chase is over and the children are caught the reader feels tired

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Revolutionary Era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Revolutionary Era - Essay Example Although the paper deals with significant aspects of the Revolution in connection with the African Americans, it fails to present the topic in an effective, organized way. One of the essential features of the paper is that it incorporates several essential facts in relation to this topic and attempts to establish the vital connection between the American Revolution and the African Americans. Thus, it suggests how the African Americans contributed to the revolution in America and vice versa. In order to substantiate the arguments, the paper makes reference to online textbooks such as digitalhistory.uh.edu, which enhances the relevance of the paper. The website used in the paper is authentic and reliable on the topic, especially relating to ‘Slavery, the American Revolution, and the Constitution’. It is also important to maintain that the paper effectively incorporates quotes from these sources, which include a book source. However, the paper is lacking in organization and effective presentation of the arguments. The thesis of the paper is vague and it is not presented in connection with the supportive arguments. Even the references from the websites and book are not presented in a way as to support the main arguments in the paper. It also does not use the scholarly information in reinstating the main arguments and fails to merge the material from the sources effectively in the paper.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Feature Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Feature Writing - Essay Example I cry sometimes, because it hurts. It does. To be honest, I guess you could say that it hurts to be me.? (ImDB) He had a failed marriage with the daughter of another famous singer in his time, Elvis Presley. His marriage with Liza Presley shocked the world, and yet many were happy to see him married. This marriage lasted only for nineteen months, and ended with a divorce. He did not have a child with Liza Presley. (BBC news, 2004) He wanted children and likes to have children of his own, so he married Debbie Rowe to become the mother of his children. Michael paid Debbie a handsome amount of money to bear him children. Debbie bore her two children thru artificial insemination and did not have physical sex relation with her. Prince Jackson and Paris Jackson are now ten and nine years old and remain to be in the custody of Michael. Michael managed to keep his children away from the press for a long time, but a picture has been sneaked in and shown in this report. A dramatic scene was reported when wife Rowe delivered the second baby and Michael took the baby right away even when she was still bloodied and umbilical cord still intact. Michael divorced Debbie when he was told she could no longer give him another child after two years of marriage. (Witheridge, Annette, 2008) â€Å"I have spent my entire life helping millions of children across the world. I would never harm a child. It is unfortunate that some individuals have seen fit to come forward and make a complaint that is completely false. Years ago, I settled with certain individuals because I was concerned about my family and the media scrutiny that would have ensued if I fought the matter in court. These people wanted to exploit my concern for children by threatening to destroy what I believe in and what I do. I have been a vulnerable target for those who want money.(IMdb) The admiration of his fans did not diminish in spite of these charges; however, different

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Relationship influence relationships Essay Example for Free

Relationship influence relationships Essay Physical attraction is based on peoples appearances. Often a caring, kind, and affectionate person will go unrecognized among others. Mostly such people find their partners due to physical proximity, ones actual physical nearness to others, in terms of housing, work, school, and so forth. On the other hand, an attractive person usually would have far more attention from others. Mills had an experiment which showed that most important determinant of desire to continue relationship was physical attractiveness. (1982) However, in Todays Magazine, the article read : according to a new study, [men are] willing to overlook a womans body shape and weight if shes friendly and likeable. But, consider that the article, if you read it, doesnt present other important information, such the percentage of people who are in the category, and to what extreme were those studies true: its likely that men can overlook minor unattractive traits, but it doesnt totally disprove the study mentioned above. Even though the point if this study may have changed slightly, it is not a secret that attractive people seem to be more of everything, since with beauty, person seems happy, healthy, successful, interesting, even if it isnt necessarily so, which is called the halo effect. Another kind of attraction is romantic attraction. It is love that is associated with high levels of interpersonal attraction, heightened arousal, mutual absorption (with regard to romantic love, the nearly exclusive attention lovers give one another.), and sexual desire. Romantic attraction has a like scale and a love scale, that Zick Rubin brought up to measure the attitude towards friends and love partners. In result, love usually included passion and commitment, whereas liking lacked those things. Estimated by these scales, type of attraction can be described by the chosen attitude towards each other, as to what the two people think of each other, and whether they are intimate or not, and so on. Just as there are different reasons for forming our personalities, there are different causes which bring people together. The reason some people choose to date who they date is partially due to homogamy -the attraction of people who are alike and heterogamy the attraction of opposites. A person may seek to find someone with similar qualities or with the opposite ones to balance out. To some degrees, love may be just a mere excitement. This love (which is also something like secret love) is determined by different situations, such parents disapproval, or when fleeing the country with someone. Just as in secret love, those events may lead to feel even stronger attraction. But even if such situations can be an attribute to the relationship, it can also bring conflict. Those relationships can be affected by uncertainty of whether there is any kind of attraction between the two people. (As Kenrick wrote, it is sometimes hard to tell the difference among sex, love, and infatuation (1989). There are also two problems: excitement that adds to attraction and boredom that decreases it; the influenced behavior may not be the cause of attraction. (Homans 1961) Similarly, I am sure there have been times when youve known or heard of someone who, for example, embraced everyone he or she was friends with. His or her behavior doesnt necessarily mean deep attraction, but it may just be a way in culture, personal way of showing friendship, or a habit, or may be the fact that he or she misses his/her girlfriend/boyfriend. Any of those reasons may be the factor, why due to body language, a woman may take such action for affection, or, from another point, a man can misunderstand womans warning signals. References Homans, G.C. (1961) Social Behaviour: Its Elementary Forms, New York, Harcourt, Brace and World. Kenrick, D.T. and Trost, M.R. (1989) ‘A reproductive exchange model of heterosexual relationships’ in Hendrick, C. (ed) Close Relationships (Review of Personality and Social Psychology 10) Newbury Park, CA, Sage. Miell, D. Croghan, R. (1996) ‘Examining the wider context of social relationships’ in Dallos, R. Miell, D. (eds) Social Interaction and Personal Relationships, Milton Keynes, Open University. Mills, J. and Clark, M.S. (1982). ‘Communal and exchange relationships’ in Wheeler, L (ed.) Review of Personality and Social Psychology (Vol 3), Beverley Hills, CA, Sage

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Rose for Emily Essay -- essays research papers

A Rose for Emily: Antebellum South vs. Modern South   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William Faulkner wrote, â€Å"A Rose for Emily.† In the gothic, short story he contrasted the lives of the people of a small Southern town during the late 1800’s, and he compared their ability and inability to change with the time. The old or â€Å"Antebellum South† was represented by the characters Miss Emily, Colonel Sartoris, the Board of Aldermen, and the Negro servant. The new or â€Å"Modern South† was expressed through the words of the unnamed narrator, the new Board of Aldermen, Homer Barron, and the townspeople. In the shocking story, â€Å"A Rose for Emily,† Faulkner used symbolism and a unique narrative perspective to describe Miss Emily’s inner struggles to accept time and change The main character, Miss Emily, was born into a prominent Southern family, the Grierson’s. The Grierson family represented the era of the Old South; and to the people of Jefferson, Mississippi, the family stood as a monument of the past. Miss Emily held on to the ways of this bygone era and would not change. Because of her inability to change, she was considered vulnerable to death and decay and, therefore, a â€Å"fallen monument† (71). Miss Emily had no intentions of changing her ways to please the people of her town. During her generation she â€Å"†¦had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (71). The new generation felt no hereditary obligations to her and her reputation in town was â€Å"dying and decaying.†. Miss Emily’s relationship with Homer Barron was also a conflict of the past and the present. Homer was described as, â€Å"A Yankee --- a big, dark, ready man, with a big voice and eyes lighter than his face† (74). Miss Emily, a Southern Aristocrat, represented the traditions of the past. Homer, a Northern construction worker, was part of the constantly changing present. In the summer after her father’s death, they were seen by the townspeople â€Å"on Sunday afternoons driving in the yellow-wheeled buggy† (74). Miss Emily would sit with her â€Å"head high.† She represented the past. Homer would sit with his â€Å"hat cocked.† He represented the present (75). Homer entered her life by courting her publicly; by not wanting to marry her, he would have robbed her of her dignity and high-standing in the community. The ladies of the town felt that Miss Emily was not setting a good example... ...or her, and received in reply a note on paper†¦to the effect that she no longer went out at all. The tax notice was also enclosed, without comment,† (71-72). Faulkner’s effective use of narration was a key asset in this story. He used the narrator not only to report the events, but the narrator became the observer for the town as well. This omniscient narrator had the ability to view the inner minds of the characters and used â€Å"we† instead of â€Å"I†. The narrator translated the words, thoughts, and suspicions of an entire small town community, and he was completely aware of its ways. The time sequence skipped around, as if someone was randomly remembering the events. William Faulkner effectively used symbols in the story to allow the reader to develop their own views of Emily. The cane represented her physical weakness and the invisible ticking watch illustrated her inability to face and deal with time and change. Miss Emily wore her mourning clothes which connected her to the Antebellum South. She would not live in the Modern South because she could not handle change. Instead, she embraced the past, became trapped in the past, and then died in the past.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A Rose for Emily Essay -- essays research papers A Rose for Emily: Antebellum South vs. Modern South   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William Faulkner wrote, â€Å"A Rose for Emily.† In the gothic, short story he contrasted the lives of the people of a small Southern town during the late 1800’s, and he compared their ability and inability to change with the time. The old or â€Å"Antebellum South† was represented by the characters Miss Emily, Colonel Sartoris, the Board of Aldermen, and the Negro servant. The new or â€Å"Modern South† was expressed through the words of the unnamed narrator, the new Board of Aldermen, Homer Barron, and the townspeople. In the shocking story, â€Å"A Rose for Emily,† Faulkner used symbolism and a unique narrative perspective to describe Miss Emily’s inner struggles to accept time and change The main character, Miss Emily, was born into a prominent Southern family, the Grierson’s. The Grierson family represented the era of the Old South; and to the people of Jefferson, Mississippi, the family stood as a monument of the past. Miss Emily held on to the ways of this bygone era and would not change. Because of her inability to change, she was considered vulnerable to death and decay and, therefore, a â€Å"fallen monument† (71). Miss Emily had no intentions of changing her ways to please the people of her town. During her generation she â€Å"†¦had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (71). The new generation felt no hereditary obligations to her and her reputation in town was â€Å"dying and decaying.†. Miss Emily’s relationship with Homer Barron was also a conflict of the past and the present. Homer was described as, â€Å"A Yankee --- a big, dark, ready man, with a big voice and eyes lighter than his face† (74). Miss Emily, a Southern Aristocrat, represented the traditions of the past. Homer, a Northern construction worker, was part of the constantly changing present. In the summer after her father’s death, they were seen by the townspeople â€Å"on Sunday afternoons driving in the yellow-wheeled buggy† (74). Miss Emily would sit with her â€Å"head high.† She represented the past. Homer would sit with his â€Å"hat cocked.† He represented the present (75). Homer entered her life by courting her publicly; by not wanting to marry her, he would have robbed her of her dignity and high-standing in the community. The ladies of the town felt that Miss Emily was not setting a good example... ...or her, and received in reply a note on paper†¦to the effect that she no longer went out at all. The tax notice was also enclosed, without comment,† (71-72). Faulkner’s effective use of narration was a key asset in this story. He used the narrator not only to report the events, but the narrator became the observer for the town as well. This omniscient narrator had the ability to view the inner minds of the characters and used â€Å"we† instead of â€Å"I†. The narrator translated the words, thoughts, and suspicions of an entire small town community, and he was completely aware of its ways. The time sequence skipped around, as if someone was randomly remembering the events. William Faulkner effectively used symbols in the story to allow the reader to develop their own views of Emily. The cane represented her physical weakness and the invisible ticking watch illustrated her inability to face and deal with time and change. Miss Emily wore her mourning clothes which connected her to the Antebellum South. She would not live in the Modern South because she could not handle change. Instead, she embraced the past, became trapped in the past, and then died in the past.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Monday, November 11, 2019

Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes Essay

An analysis of Langston Hughes’s poem Dream Deferred will reveal a significant commentary on the driving force in America today. It is undeniable that every one of us has dreams or goals that we want to pursue and achieve. Although all of us have their own little dream, this poem reiterates that in some cultures, it will be (and is) harder to achieve their goals. In this particular poem, Langston Hughes expressed his dreams and how they become during a hard time. The fact that he is a black man during the height of the African-American oppression, his ambitions and dreams was really hard to achieve—thus, he became frustrated. He expressed on how and what he really feels about a dream that he has had. Because he was succumbed under a great deal of frustration, he was unable to accomplish that dream. Each line in the poem symbolizes a typical moment in the author’s life. Furthermore, he was also very bitter about the conditions of his group because of their skin color. Hughes used many a great deal of simile in achieving his points. But perhaps the most powerful line in his poem is the â€Å"Or does it explode? †(Hughes) It is an influential conclusion of what could happen to a dream if they are neglected or is not pursued. In conclusion, this is a collective poem that articulates what could happen to dreams that left un-pursued even in times of struggles and oppression. This poem reflects the difficulties not just of African-American but moreover, it is also applicable to people (especially certain ethic groups that are discriminated) who experiences the same situation. This poem will never be obsolete. Works Cited: Hughes, Langston. â€Å"Dream Deferred. † March 2, 2008.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Presentation on the Kimpton Hotel’s Eco-friendly Initiative

The key elements of the Kimpton Hotels Earth Care Program are outlined in its eco-mission statement. These include â€Å"company-wide commitment towards water conservation; reduction of energy usage; reduction of energy usage; elimination of harmful toxins and pollutants; recycling of all reusable waste; building and furnishing hotels with sustainable materials; and purchasing goods and services that directly supports these principles† (Murray and Thomas 2005). It should be noted that all of these elements should be implemented in order to attain the goal of the Earth Care program.However, aside from these direct efforts that the company must engage in, it is also recognize that a key element in embarking in the program is the communication strategy which is used internally and externally. Inside the business organization, it is very essential to align the company’s workforce in this new strategy by letting them know and giving them an active role for the implementation of the program. In the part of the external stakeholders, Kimpton also had to communicate its eco-friendly efforts and their advantages.Is there a `business case` for the Earth Care Program?There is a strong business case for the Earth Care Program. It should be noted that implementing this eco-friendly strategy will benefit Kimpton in the long run. Looking at the current trend in the business environment, it becomes notable that most companies not only in the hotel industry are becoming more and more active in the preservation of the environment by supporting sustainable development efforts and by establishing a â€Å"greener† image.It should be noted that company image is now a more serious issue than the product itself. Consumers are becoming more and more concerned about the influences of a business organization to communities and environment. Also, the Earth Care Program is consistent with the corporate social responsibility effort of Kimpton which is very much importan t in the global business arena nowadays.Can you describe the costs and benefits associated with the Earth Care Program? The Earth Care Program conveys various benefits to Kimpton Hotels. One of the most obvious advantages is the huge potential improvement in the bottom line of the company. The efforts of the company to become more eco-friendly also implies shifting from less energy and resources consuming processes which will definitely push down the level of costs.The company’s effort of eliminating toxic substances will also benefit employees who are handling these chemicals on a daily basis. It should be noted that toxic substances often have detrimental effects to the person handling them and eliminating this can possibly improve the sense of well being of employees and make them more productive. The Earth Care Program also posts opportunities to Kimpton as it will now belong to the list of eco-friendly hotels which are highly preferred by government organizations. In som e ways, customers can perceive the eco-friendly image as a new attraction which can generate more revenue for the company.However, the company also faces the challenges involved in this new strategy. First, the Earth Care Program requires monetary investment which should be financed long before any cost benefit is attained. Kimpton Hotel also needs to align its entire chain with the effort thus necessitating negotiation and giving out the risk of rejection from local managers who feel threatened by the new system. Third, the company needs to pay more for the organic materials which are needed to make hotels eco-friendly. As the case states, these costs are very high compared to the traditional materials.Are there risks to the company with this program?The company is facing a huge risk in implementing the Earth Care Program. First, Kimpton Hotel is not sure whether this program will be perceived by customers as value-adding. Experience of the customers are seen to be indirectly relat ed with the materials or equipments used in delivering services.Since the benefits of the program are not reaped in the short-run, the company also takes in the risk of possible change in consumer taste before cost savings are realized. If in the long run, customers perceive that eco-friendly efforts are not important, then Kimpton runs the risk of not benefiting from its investment. Lastly, the Earth Care Program threatens the autonomy of local branches which can make employees hesitant in implementing changes.What is the weakness of the Kimpton Hotel?The autonomy of the branches of the Kimpton Hotel can be perceived both as a strength and weakness of the organization. On the positive side, the decentralized operation facilitates fast decision making and customization. However, Kimpton Hotel is having difficulty in implementing company-wide strategies because possible rejection from its branches. It should also be noted that as each hotel is unique, integrating them to join the Ear th Care Program is quite hard. The difference in the values of each branch also makes it difficult for them to pursue a single strategy. What might work in a branch might not necessarily have the same effect on another.ReferencesSilverman, M &Thomas, T. 2005, â€Å"Kimpton Hotels: Balancing Strategy and Environmental Sustainability.† San Francisco State University, USA

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Hassan II

â€Å"Leaders who trust their co-workers are, in turn, trusted by them. Trust, of course, cannot be acquired, but can only be given. Leadership without mutual trust is a contradiction in terms. Trust resides squarely between faith and doubt. The leader always has faith in himself, his abilities, his co-workers, must believe in him, themselves, and their combined strength, but they must feel sufficiently confident to question, challenge, probe, and test, too, Maintaining that vital balance between faith and doubt, preserving that mutual trust, is a primary task for any leader. â€Å" â€Å"Deploying Yourself: Strike Hard, Try Everything† Page:141 The significance of this paragraph to me is that it goes nicely along with my moral principles and values about people. I believe that one should (when working with other people) have trust and belief in order to maximize the production possibilities and production itself by trusting your co-workers. The people get personal satisfaction when they feel that they are trusted, first of all then they are less likely to trick you or betray you in business. Therefore, trusted co-workers are likely to produce more and more work more willingly and harder. It is extremely important to trust your co-workers. The examples of proper leadership can be seen in the Virgin Airline Company founded by Richard Branson. He explicitly displayed all the mentioned characteristics of a great Leader that are mentioned in this book. He treated all workers well and he trusted them. That kind of attitude that Richard Branson adapted led to his extreme popularity amongst his co-workers/ labor force. Trust creates a great sense of responsibility and most importantly, loyalty, which true leaders enjoy. The examples of proper leadership can be seen in the Virgin Airline Company founded by Richard Branson. He explicitly displayed all the mentioned characteristics of a great Leader that are mentioned in this book. He tre... Free Essays on Hassan II Free Essays on Hassan II â€Å"Leaders who trust their co-workers are, in turn, trusted by them. Trust, of course, cannot be acquired, but can only be given. Leadership without mutual trust is a contradiction in terms. Trust resides squarely between faith and doubt. The leader always has faith in himself, his abilities, his co-workers, must believe in him, themselves, and their combined strength, but they must feel sufficiently confident to question, challenge, probe, and test, too, Maintaining that vital balance between faith and doubt, preserving that mutual trust, is a primary task for any leader. â€Å" â€Å"Deploying Yourself: Strike Hard, Try Everything† Page:141 The significance of this paragraph to me is that it goes nicely along with my moral principles and values about people. I believe that one should (when working with other people) have trust and belief in order to maximize the production possibilities and production itself by trusting your co-workers. The people get personal satisfaction when they feel that they are trusted, first of all then they are less likely to trick you or betray you in business. Therefore, trusted co-workers are likely to produce more and more work more willingly and harder. It is extremely important to trust your co-workers. The examples of proper leadership can be seen in the Virgin Airline Company founded by Richard Branson. He explicitly displayed all the mentioned characteristics of a great Leader that are mentioned in this book. He treated all workers well and he trusted them. That kind of attitude that Richard Branson adapted led to his extreme popularity amongst his co-workers/ labor force. Trust creates a great sense of responsibility and most importantly, loyalty, which true leaders enjoy. The examples of proper leadership can be seen in the Virgin Airline Company founded by Richard Branson. He explicitly displayed all the mentioned characteristics of a great Leader that are mentioned in this book. He tre...

Monday, November 4, 2019

An individual reflection about the course of Advanced Project Essay

An individual reflection about the course of Advanced Project Management - Essay Example Some other authors also define project management in a different and impressive way that the use of expertise, skills and the most important intellectual capital for the execution of any task (What is Project Management 2012). Therefore, it is clear that either a project manager or a team member both require certain set of strengths and expertise. If they have any weakness then at least they should be capable to find out ways to overcome that particular weakness. Projects may fail or may achieve their goals and objectives. There might be a list of reasons behind success and failure of any project. It is important to sort out these reasons so that project managers can behave accordingly. In this essay, the main objective is to find out the ways of implications of different models and theories, which we learn in the course work of advance project management, in our personal daily life projects as individual and as a project manager. The course work increases our self-awareness about our own strengths and weaknesses. In addition to that, it is also important to know that how we can use our skills, expertise and talents to handle all the coming hurdles and challenges. It is also necessary to know that how we can overcome our weakness and thus facing the world and their challenges. Project management is a vast field covering many aspects, which are really needed for the success of the task or the project. The importance of personal strengths and weaknesses is vital for the success and failure of the task (Palmer 2014). Here it is to be noted that personal strength and weakness analysis is necessary for both the workers and the project manager. A project manager should be strong enough to command and control the whole team of workers and the activities. If a project manager fails to control the project and the activities then there is always a risk of resource wastage and ultimately the failure of the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Marketing plan - Essay Example Akin to olive oil in terms of function, tea seed oil is very effective for hair care. Not only does it strengthen hair and protect it from damage, it also provides moisture to the hair. Shiseido now intends to sell Tsubaki in Australia as it sees tremendous potential for that product in that market. Competitive Landscape in Australia Procter & Gamble Australia Pty Ltd, Unilever Australia Ltd, L'Oreal Australia Pty Ltd, Hans Schwarzkopf & Henkel GmbH & Co KG, Colgate-Palmolive Pty Ltd and Alberto-Culver Pty Ltd. In addition to these there are many other, domestic as well as international players, vying for a chunk of the shampoo market in the country. Demographic Environment The total population of Australia stood at 22 million in 2010. The gender-wise break-up of the Australian population is depicted in table below: Population (Gender Wise)    2010 2020    in '000 % in '000 % Male 10998 49.76 12591 49.86 Female 11102 50.24 12663 50.14 Total 22100 100 25254 100 Source: Euromonitor International The table shows that the male female population is almost equal and is likely to remain so by 2020. The ethnic composition of the country includes 92 percent Whites, 7 percent Asians and 1 percent Aboriginal and others (Euromonitor 2011). Thus females of Asian origin residing in Australia are approx .7 million. The Tsubaki shampoo would be targeted at this section of the society. It is imperative that the age-wise break up of the female population is considered while developing/modifying the product for the Australian market.    Female Population Age-Wise ('000) Age 2009 2010 2015 (E) 2020 (E) % Growth 0-14 2033 2052 2173 2326 13.3 15-64 7327 7415 7763 8095 9.2 65+ 1591 1635 1925 2242 37.1 Total 10951 11102 11861 12663 15.6 Source: Euromonitor International The above table clearly demonstrates that a drastic shift in Australia‘s demographic profile is imminent as a considerable chunk of the population is set to grow old in the coming future. This growth in the number of older consumers is likely to propel the demand for products that make people feel and look younger (Data Monitor 2011). The life expectancy in the country is 81.81 years for the total population. While it is 79.40 years for men, the life expectancy for the average Australian woman is 84.35 years. Economic Environment The Australian economy has registered a steady growth in the GDP in the last few years. The economy is estimated to grow by 3.7 percent this year. The inflation rate has also been below the 3 percent mark since 2010. The unemployment rate which has been steady at a shade above 5 percent is the brightest spot. Compare this to the unemployment rates in other developed countries where the joblessness has reached double digits. Key Economic Indicators    2009 2010 2011 2012 (E) GDP Growth (%) 1.3 3 3.5 3.7 Inflation 1.8 2.9 2.8 2.9 Unemployment Rate 5.6 5.3 5.2 5.1 Source: Data Monitor 2011 Australia is primarily a middle-class society. Close to 5 million, or 6 1 percent of the households in the country had an annual disposable income of more than US $45,000 in 2009. During the same time period, 36 percent of the Australian households had an annual disposable income of more than US $75,000. At the same time, more than 95 percent of the country is above the poverty line (Data Monitor 2011). The table below depicts that the average annual gross income has steadily risen across income brackets. The growth is considerably higher than