Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Feminist Analysis A Doll s House - 1001 Words

Feminism in literature began to develop in the early 1960’s. For a while Western culture assumed that women were inferior creatures. With a widespread acknowledgment of the female being inferior, women began to accept their lesser status. Female critics â€Å"look at the depiction of women in male texts in an effort to reveal the misogyny (negative attitudes towards women) lurking there† (Dobie 106). This means critics look at mistreated women in texts. Such as blanks, unfinished sentences, and even silences. Henrick Ibsen’s, A Doll’s House, captures the unfavorable gender-role of oppressed women who are treated as mere â€Å"dolls† played by men. Nora Helmer, the main character, strives to be the perfect wife that is set forth by the society she lives in. She is trapped in the â€Å"dollhouse† which is her actual home. Torvald, her husband, has made a wonderful life for his doll wife and their children. Nora does love Torvald, but it is only because that is what she is expected to do. Nora obeys her husbands by saying, â€Å"Yes, whatever you say, Torvald â€Å"(Ibsen 209), when he asks her to do something. She does not realize her love for Torvald was forced upon her by what society expects of her. Her friends and family treat her as if she is a sheltered animal with no idea what is going on in the outside world. Nora eventually discovers her role as a house wife was forced upon her and is desperate to get out at any cost. Once Nora begins to think her escape will create a better life, there isShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Doll s House As A Feminist Play985 Words   |  4 PagesDoll’s House as a feminist Play Is A Doll s House a feminist play? Ibsen disputes the notion that his play is female-centered claiming that it was more of liberation, which is presented, in a more general, human sense. However, it takes reading the book to decide whether his assertions are true reflection of this. 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