Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Search For Identity From A Virtual World - 2041 Words

Searching for Identity From a Virtual World In Ready Player One, the creation of a virtual identity, or avatar, unleashes one’s true self. In this cyberworld game, one can create their character to be their ideal person; physically, intellectually, and emotionally. The virtual reality creates the backdrop against which the action takes place and the characters play out their roles. Interestingly, the gamers who control their respective avatar have within themselves some of the same characteristics that they have built into their ideal personas. Though some of these characteristics may be exaggerated, and some, such as gender, may be reversed, the bravery, intelligence, aptitude, and heroics displayed in the virtual world are present in these same people in the real world. They may be deeply hidden, and afraid to show themselves, but by being exhibited by their avatars in the virtual world, they become uncovered and can begin to manifest themselves by the gamers in the real wor ld. People log into the videogame OASIS daily as an escape from their dreadful lives. It is the year 2045, and there is â€Å"widespread famine, poverty, and disease. Half a dozen wars† (Cline_). {Wade, the protagonist of the novel, is a poor teen who lives with his aunt, â€Å"in the Portland Avenue Stacks, a sprawling hive of discolored tin shoeboxes rusting on the shores of 1-40, just west of Oklahoma City’s decaying skyscraper core† (Cline_). As the quote reveals, it is a dismal place filled withShow MoreRelatedCollaboration Participation And Collaboration Web 2.0 Essay1114 Words   |  5 Pagesnetwork activities, and even their identities (they can choose to be anonymous, as is the example with one good HR blog or videos on YouTube of dirty toilets in hospitals, create virtual identities or present their actual selves, as Narendra Modi is getting along on YouTube with his Prime Minister s broadcast) 3.Identity Many users of Web 2.0 technologies create virtual identities that may be different to their real life ones. Virtual identities are evident in virtual globes such as Second Life andRead MoreSocial Media Versus The Teenage Mind1748 Words   |  7 PagesThe world has changed dramatically since the creation of social media sites around the year 2000. Today, people communicate face to face or on the telephone less frequently. Fewer individuals obtained knowledge or information through books, newspapers, or television. 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